What does the “most exciting new actor in town” do on a date? If his name is Lee Majors, he takes his girl (her name is Mary Ann Mobbley) on a guided tour of his ranch, complete with a ride on a horse built for two.

The living is rugged, but Lee Majors likes it. His small ranch nestles in a canyon, near Calabasas, California. There is no electricity or plumbing and the nearest house is miles away. But the view is devastating and the air crystal clear. There is something of the old West around the place, an atmosphere that reminds you of Lee’s show The Big Valley on ABC-TV. Lee leads a tough, man’s way of life – exactly the kind that charms the girls.

These pictures were taken on Mary Ann Mobley’s first visit to the ranch and she was crazy about it.

Coming from a small Southern town (just like Lee), and in love with the outdoors (just like Lee), Mary Ann wanted to see everything in sight; the inside of the simple, wood-framed house; the corral where Red, the horse stays; the narrow dirt road that leads into the mountains.

She did, however, resist the impulse to suggest anything that smacked vaguely of the “woman’s touch.” Chances are she was waiting until her second time out. And there’ll be a second time!

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