SERIES: Too Much Sun
Episode Guide
Land of Opportunity (1.1) – 20/10/2000
Writers – Jim Piddock & Margaret Oberman. Director –
A letter arrives from Nigel’s old school friend, Sandi. Sandi has her own film company so Nigel is very excited believing she may buy one of his script ideas. Little does Nigel realise that Sandi’s film company is actually a local video store, where due to money problems he is eventually forced to take a job in order to pay the rent to their “friendly” landlord, Scott. Meanwhile Julian prpares for yet another audition.

Guest Cast
Casting assistant – Nathan Nolan
Casting director – Pat Starr
“Scott” Moments…
1. Scott comes round to the house to see if the lads have the money for the rent, on his way to an awards ceremony.
2. Scott asks Julian and Nigel if they have seen his gardener, Roderigo… only to learn Julian has locked him in the garden shed, and forgotten to let him out!.
3. Scott drops by to the invite the lads to a party at his place, Saturday night. They turn him down, until they find out a newly promoted Hollywood producer big wig will be there….
Cross Purposes (1.2) – 27/10/2000
Writers – Jim Piddock & Margaret Oberman. Director –
When Nigel emerges from a drunken stupor and sees his housemate Julian in full drag he quickly puts two and two together and come up with five. Nigel is then plagued by dreams in which he gets married and Julian is his blushing bride! He tries to talk to Scott about his friend’s “problem”. To add to everything else Roderigo the gardener’s pet goat has gone missing.

Guest Cast
“Carol” – Richard Alleman
Tranvestite – Ray Shell
Vicar – Jeremy Child
Concierge – David Schaal
Stage Manager – Winston Ellis
“Scott” Moments…
1. Nigel bumbs into Scott in the car port, as Scott asks him if he has seen Roderigo’s pet goat.
2. Nigel has a nasty dream he is marrying Julian, and Scott is giving away the bride!
3. Nigel reluctantly goes to see Scott and asks him for his advice about men who dress as women…
Obsession (1.3) 03/11/2000
Writers – Jim Piddock & Margaret Oberman. Director – JohnStroud
Julian and Sandi become worried when Nigel turns into a couch-potato after having a new satellite dish installed, in the hope it will help his writer’s block. His writer’s block remains and worse, he refuses to wash, leave the couch, or even turn off the TV!. Julian finds himself attracted to a woman he meets at an audition,and has high hopes his days of celibacy are numbered….

Guest Cast
Tracey Jo – Sara Stewart
Chan – Jonathan Chan-Pensley
“Scott” Moments…
1. Scott comes round to complain that the new dish is blocking his view, just as Nigel finds a re-run of one of his old cowboy shows.
2. Nigel goes round to Scott’s house to borrow his TV, when Sandi and Julian’s efforts to break Nigel’s obsession fail. They find Scott wearing a face pack, whilst painting Kimberley’s nails!
3. Scott becomes the “punch” line of a scene in which, with Dave’s help, he puts Julian to bed after a drunken binge when he discovers some soul destroying news about his latest potential conquest….
Real Men Cry Alot (1.4) 10/11/2000
Writers – Jim Piddock & Margaret Oberman. Director – John Stroud
After a particularly disapointing week Nigel and Julian learn there are 2 places going free at a men’s retreat weekend, and see it as an ideal opportunity to bare their souls and hobnob with some Hollywood elite. They await the weekend’s “special guest” with great anticipation….

Guest Cast
Dr. Kipper – James Jordan
Dr. Luke – Angus Macinnes
Don – Lou Hirsch
Jack – Nigel Whitmey
Chief – Joanquin Mrtinez
“Scott” Moments…
1. Scott and Kimberley drop round to the house on the way to the gym, in answer to a frantic call from Julian.
2. The “surprise” guest turns up… and it’s Scott!
3. Scott and the lads bare their souls – and a little bit more – in an Indian ritual.
Hollywood Phonies (1.5) 24/11/2000
Written by Jim Piddock. Director – John Stroud
Nigel and Julian wangle their way to a movie preview where they meet a powerful Hollywood producer who mistakes Nigel for a famous writer. He wants to make a movie with Nigel, and with Scott away for the week in Aspen the boys take over his house to impress the big Hollywood mogul at a dinner party to seal the deal. Unfortunately Scott and Kimberley arrive home early to find their house full of un-expected guests and Nigel has to do some quick thinking….

Guest Cast
Arnold Wyckoff – Ron Donachie
Ann Wyckoff – Giselle Wolf
Nigel Benton-Smythe – Jeffrey Perry
“Scott” Moments…
1. Scott and Kimberley drop by to let the lads know they are off skiing for the week
2. Scott and Kimberley arrive home early to find the house full of un-expected guests
3. Nigel has to do some fast talking to explain what he’s doing in Scott’s house
4. Scott comes round to tell the lads his new Hollywood friends are now his old friends…
Trivia Item – When Nigel and Julian first enter Scott’s home there are photo’s on the wall in the lounge from Lee’s other shows and movies, most notably 2 Six Million Dollar Man photo’s!
The End of the World (1.6) 01/12/2000
Writers – Jim Piddock & Margaret Oberman. Director – John Stroud
Nigel is convinced the world is going to end and sees examples of prophecies coming true all around him. He decides it is time to reveal his true feelings to Sandy before the end comes. Meanwhile, Julian has an audition with Scott’s agent and isn’t about to let a little thing like the end of the world get in his way of making a big impression…

Guest Cast
Psychic – Francis Cuka
Tibetan monk – Peter Silverleaf
Brian – Ben Weinberger
Sports reporter – Michael Carlson
Elizabethan – Damien Puckler
“Scott” Moments…
1. Scott drops by with Kimberley, on the way to the gym, to to tell Julian he has arranged an audition with his agent for him
2. Scott and Julian arrive at Scott’s agents office, and end up getting stuck in the lift together as they leave
3. Scott drops round to tell the boys he and Kimberley are off away for the a few days, and thanks to Julian they don’t need to worry about all the back-rent they owe…
Episode 2 – ‘Cross Purposes
Episode 4 – ‘Real Men Cry Alot’
Episode 6 – ‘The End of the World’