The STAR / 1978

Lee Majors has parlayed his role as The Six Million Dollar Man into a fortune and world recognition, but he complained to THE STAR that Hollywood still doesn’t take him seriously. “I’ve never received any recognition. It’s like being an invisible man,” he said. Majors, who is now in his fifth year as Col. Steve Austin – the bionic man got upset when he talked about Universal Studios where he shoots the show.

“Not once have I been offered a film by the studio in the five years I’ve been working there. It makes me sad to think the studio hasn’t ever appreciated my abilities,” he charged.

“I’ve seen and known a lot of actors at the studio storm off the set, call in sick and have temper tantrums when they are upset. I’ve done nothing like that. I’ve never let anybody down. I’ve never thrown a temper tantrum or kicked in a window in anger. But my dedication hasn’t been appreciated,” he said. “I’m really one of the more professional actors in show business. Nobody can ever put me down for the way I’ve behaved in my work. It would have been nice to have been offered even a tiny role in a film there, just so I would have the satisfaction of turning it down.”

Majors, who also starred in Owen Marshall, Men from Shiloh and Big Valley, admitted for the first time that it was these intimate silent feelings that he’d kept to himself that finally convinced him to quit the Six Million Dollar Man after last season. “I was also worried that a fifth year of bionics would leave me permanently typecast as an ex-professional robot,” he continued.

“I returned because I couldn’t resist the reality of being made a real Six Million Dollar Man with an increased payment contract – but also because I was promised movies and more human-type drama in the show.” Even now, with the debut of is first films for TV produced through his own Fawcett-Majors production company, he says he still has similar problems. “I’m just not accepted as a serious actor. For some unknown reason I’m not thought of as versatile and reviewers leave me to the end for comment,” said Majors.

But the 36-year old millionaire laughs his way to the bank. More and more in Hollywood he’s admired for his savvy business sense and his big money-making deals. Majors, who recently gave himself a new look with a new nose and hairstyle, also takes some credit for helping his wife Farrah to stardom. “I’m not totally responsible but I’ve advised her to take certain directions. I got her on the right road and now she’s rightfully won her won success,” he remarked with pride.

“Things are really good for me, too, but I’m easily hurt from hearing so often that I’m really like Col. Austin. There’s a lot more to me that that. I’d finally like more people to see it and know it. I’m not going to remain invisible anymore.”

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