Clive James was a popular TV show in the UK during the 90’s and was aired on Sunday nights.  In this particular programme Lee was interviewed via a satellite link-up. There is a brief intro about Lee and The Six Million Dollar Man during which the opening theme tune is played.  

CJ:  Today Lee Majors is still in business fronting a television series called Miracles and this is how he looks now.

Excerpt shown from the new show Miracles

CJ:  Miracles duly follow but the real miracle is how Lee Majors looks much the same – in those days they built Six Million Dollar Men to last.  At this present moment he is out in the dessert in Utah – let’s join him now and say can you hear me Lee Majors?

LM:  Yes Clive, how are you?

CJ:  I’m fine but I think I am probably more comfortable than you are.  What are you doing out there in that Valley?

LM:  Well I am in Mojab, Utah filming a little movie here for the Family Channel called The Treasure of Dos Santos and it’s about 32 degrees and I’m freezing my be-hind off if you really want to know

CJ: Was The Six Million Dollar Man fun to make?

LM:  Err… it was a tremendous amount of hard work. My knees now show it from doing all the jumping on hard concrete and not being able to go to your hands, you know.  It was just a tremendous physical show to do but it was worthwhile and a lot of kids grew up watching it and I am very proud of that

CJ:  Do you realize you taught a whole generation of kids to run in slow motion?

LM: Yeah, and I also know that it’s been so long ago that I went out to the market the other day and this fella had his kid there at the checkout counter and he said err…  “Son, do you know who that is? That’s The Six Million Dollar Man!”  And the kid looked up at me and said, “What did he do?  Win the lottery?”

CJ: Did you think the Six Million Dollar Man dolls do you justice?

LM: Well I err… Certain parts and certain parts it didn’t

CJ:  I’m afraid in my circle there were certain amount of jokes about which parts of you were bionic.  Did you mind that stuff?

LM:  No, no.  And I heard them all, believe me…and in fact made up a couple of them.

CJ: I know you have done a couple of sequels all ready.  Are you planning any more?

LM: Well we did three since the show went off the air, three two hours, and in the last one Lindsay Wagner, The Bionic Woman, and I finally got married.  If they do another one – I don’t know – they were talking about a feature length film like The Fugitive – but I think if they did I would probably have to do it in a wheelchair because I wasn’t even able to go on the honeymoon.

CJ:  Your next series, The Fall Guy, that was as big as hit as The Six Million Dollar Man.  Did you do all your stunts in that?

LM:  Probably about 90% of the stunts we did, but most of the long truck jumps – those we left to the professionals.  I know my limits and at that time also I was also getting up a little bit up in age even though I was rebuilt several times.  I know when to do them and when not to do them, so to speak.

CJ:  Did you ever get scared doing the stunts that you did?

LM:  Oh, I think only one time I really kind of froze up.  I was in Palm Springs working on the tram down there.  And it is 250 feet up and I had to go from one of the towers to the cable car which was caught in the middle.   And the reason I did it was because my stunt man couldn’t do it.  He was afraid of heights, I think.  And he hired a guy, a specialist to come.  And he looked around at it all morning and I think he got sick.  So there was no one left to do it. So I went up and did it.   

Once I got within about ten feet of the car I froze and I didn’t know whether to go back which was further or if I could make it to the car.  I finally made it to the car and that was the one that I thought I would still be up there till this day. I didn’t know how I got it to that car.

CJ:  Did you ever have?

LM: But you know looking down? I tell you what. You know looking down I saw my stunt man taking pictures. That’s what made me so mad I made it to the car.  I remember that now.

CJ:  Did you ever have any injuries?

LM:  Oh well, I remember one… real quick in The Big Valley. Linda Evans and I were riding down the road and they put a stunt double in for her. I see the rifle glint up in the hills and I dive off my horse, take the stunt girl – I did my own stunts and we had a girl for Linda – and I rolled down the bank and then they put Linda to do in for the close up. We roll over a few feet.  They didn’t tell us the director was going to shoot off a gun. He fired off a full load gun right behind us.  And Linda jerked her head up and I went down to cover her and it broke my nose.

And the next thing I remember the director saying is:  ‘Let’s get his close up before it swells.  That’s showbiz.  They don’t care are bout you. Just get the shot.

CJ:  You are fronting a new show called Miracles.  Has anything miraculous ever happened to you?

LM:  Well, I think that after all these years that I am still here and the fact that I will be 58 in April and I have twin boys, beautiful boys, four years old, and a beautiful, beautiful daughter, nine years old in the third grade.  And living in Fort Lauderdale and having a wonderful time.  That’s a miracle for me. 

CJ:  Lee your career has spanned over thirty-three years – do you think you’ll ever give it up?

Lee laughs

LM:  Well, I tell you. I love it.  I think acting is like making love to a Gorilla. You only stop when the Gorilla wants to.

CJ:  Thank you very much Lee Majors!