‘Lindsay Wagner – The Works’ is THE definitive look at Lindsay career across all mediums. A huge book at over 450 pages, James Sherrad has done a superb job of tracking down even the most obscure commercial or magazine cover to include here to make it the most comprehensive reference material for any fan of the actress. James runs the website The Bionic Woman Files which is devoted to Lindsay Bionic show and a great site to visit if you want to get inside the show in depth as Jim shows his 50 years love of the show.
The book is nicely divided up into easy reference sections: Early Years; Feature Films; Film Shorts; TV Guest Appearances; Television Series; Television Movies; Television Mini Series; Television Special/Host; Television Game Shows; Endorsements; Documentaries/Made For Video; Other Media; Public Service; Teaching; Personal Appearances; Awards and Honours and finally Product Covers. With all those sections it’s easy to see the amount of love and work James has put into putting this together.
It’s good to finally see episode guides for Lindsay’s 2 short lived series ‘Jessie’ and ‘Peaceable Kingdom’ as well as a solid look at ‘The Bionic Woman’. Each entry is accompanied by a reference image.
The book is large format, around 11″ x 8.5″ (US Letter format) and will look great on your shelf. It’s available through the online book-store Lulu here. Price is £56.17 (UK price). There are a few delivery options, starting at £3.24 (around 10-12 business days), Priority Mail at £4.24 (7-11 business days) and Express Tracking at £8.24 (6-10 business days),
From a personal view point, I’d have maybe liked to have seen less over credits for some of the projects. The credits list is comprehensive for the most part with everything from costume designers, sound designers, etc. I’d have liked less of these are some full-page images to illustrate some of Lindsay’s projects, but that’s just me. I think it would have helped to break up the many pages of text and who doesn’t want more pictures of Lindsay?
Overall, it is expensive, but give the work and time that’s gone into it and the areas covered, not unreasonable and is a must-have for any hard-core fans or just fans who want to explore the body of Work Lindsay has built up over the last 60 years.
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